Monday 11 February 2013

5 Types of Wipes Every Girl Needs!

I LOVE wet wipes they are such life savers!! So, I thought I'd list the 5 most important ones for me. I do have to stress that you should use these wipes carefully because they are bad for the environment!

Stain wipes: I’m so clumsy and these wipes have saved so many clothing items!!

Lens wipes: Not just for your glasses these wipes take the grease and dirt of your phone, tablet and computer screen super fast and easy and most importantly cheap!

Deodorant wipes: I always cycle to work and on windy or hot and humid days these are life savers.

Make-up wipes: For unexpected tears or rain these take of my mascara in a swipe and allow me to restore my face easily without needing me to cover up wiping redness. Also very good for after late nights out when you just want to go to bed ASAP.

Hygienic wipes: Dirty toilet seats, sticky fingers, you name it! We all have those moments we feel the need to (get) clean, but there's not water. Wipes are better than hygienic gels because they leave all the dirt on your hands.

Hope you liked this post!! And don't forget the environment!

Love ya'll!

Xoxo Marina


  1. where can I buy stain removing tissue? is it possible in NL?

  2. I bought mine at H&M, but I'm not sure if they still have them. You can buy them in these stores in Leiden:

    or online here:

    Xoxo Marina
